Course Overview

Course Schedule

The Law School of the Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf organises a course on European Patent Litigation composed of eight modules of two days each month, including a module with final seminar of three days. The content of the course covers the curriculum of Rule 3 of the EPLC Rules.

The lectures are mainly held in English and will be given by experts from academia as well as from judiciary and by lawyers from different Member States. A University Certificate of the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf is awarded to successful participants after passing an oral examination relating to the content of the course.

The following dates are planned for the courses

31.01./01.02.2025   Düsseldorf
28.03./29.03.2025   Düsseldorf
11.04./12.04.2025   Düsseldorf
23.05./24.05.2025   Düsseldorf
27.06./28.06.2025   Siena
05.09./06.09.2025   Siena
10.10./11.10.2025   Düsseldorf
07.11./08.11.2025   Düsseldorf
12.12.2025   Düsseldorf

For more information click here!


1st Module

Module 1

  • Introduction
  • Introduction into Legal Methodology
  • Introduction into International Civil Procedure Law and related aspects
  • MOCK TRIAL – Mock Trial Group partitioning

2nd Module

Module 2

  • The European Court of Justice
  • Conflict of Laws

3rd Module

Module 3

  • Interpretation of European Patents,
  • Unitary Patent Protection and Unified Patent Court
  • The Instrument of Enhanced Cooperation according TEU and TFEU

4th Module

Module 4

  • The Roots of Civil Procedure Law in Europe
  • Patent Litigation in Germany, France and Italy
  • Saisie Contrefaçon

5th Module

Module 5

  • Theory of Comparative Legal Analysis
  • Practice of Comparative Legal Analysis

6th Module

Module 6

  • Introduction into the proceedings before the Unified Patent Court
  • Infringement Proceedings, Nullity Proceedings.
  • Customs Enforcement of Patent Rights in Europe

7th Module

Module 7

  • Introduction into legal working technique in civil proceedings governed by the principle of party presentation
  • An introduction of lawyers working tools in civil proceedings esp. for patent attorneys
  • EU Antitrust Law and IP i.e. Patent Law
  • Mock Trial Interim Conference

8th Module

Seminar Module 8

  • Drawing of the examination paper topics
  • Mediation/Arbitration alternatives to litigate patents
  • Mock Trial Main Hearing
  • Deliberation of the Mock Trial Court
  • Mock Trial Evaluation

Final Examination

Exam Module 9

  • Oral Examination
  • Hand-Out of European Patent Litigation Certificates to the successful participants

Course Fees

The Course Fee for the 2024 EPLC-Course is 3900 €.
This does not include travel, accommodation and meals.

For more information click here!

3'900 €